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mean sea-level中文是什么意思

用"mean sea-level"造句"mean sea-level"怎么读"mean sea-level" in a sentence


  • 平均海平面


  • The lowest instantaneous mean sea - level pressure of 1000 . 9 hpa was recorded at the hong kong observatory at about 4 p . m . on 18 august
    天文台于八月十八日下午4时左右录得最低瞬时海平面气压1000 . 9百帕斯卡。
  • The lowest instantaneous mean sea - level pressure of 990 . 1 hpa was recorded at the hong kong observatory at 4 . 50 p . m . and 5 . 37 p . m . on 4 august
    天文台于八月四日下午4时50分及5时37分录得最低瞬时海平面气压990 . 1百帕斯卡。
  • The output voltage of the transducer is adjusted electronically to give the mean sea - level pressure which is continuously displayed digitally
  • The correlations between the tide level of coast tidal gauge stations and the tide level of offshore sand ridges , and between mean high water level and mean water level as well as mean sea - level were discussed when studying the tidal gauge records
用"mean sea-level"造句  


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